A Holistic Approach To Financial Planning And Retirement

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Corry Wealth Coaching - My Approach

My ultimate aim is to set my clients on the path to either financial freedom or early retirement (and a happy one at that). I could not have left the corporate world without first achieving financial freedom (i.e. where you no longer have to rely on your employer for income).

Financial freedom could be within your grasp. Unfortunately, the biggest obstacle is that many struggle with the concept, unable to visualise what it may look like. For many, they feel overwhelmed, unsure of where to begin. On the way to assessing your personal situation, we will therefore discuss the following:

  1. What makes a happy retiree
  2. While some financial planners emphasise a large asset base for your retirement, my approach is to instead focus on lower expenditure (you might not need that much) … spending money on those items that really matter to you (and eliminating others that do not)
  3. Why debt is damaging to your wealth
  4. The opportunity cost of spending
  5. Seeking multiple streams of income ... real estate, financial assets and possibly, part-time work too (my approach)
  6. How to invest successfully … avoiding expensive mistakes and accentuating positive outcomes
  7. Portfolio diversification does work ... the lessons from 2008 / 09 and the global pandemic
  8. Investment expenses are an increasingly important consideration should future returns disappoint … lower ones can also lead to lower portfolio risk
  9. Why inflation matters … real returns versus nominal ones
  10. Our discussions around early retirement centre on finance. Key factors often not discussed by financial planners are the loss of status and social interaction that work can provide. Both are important considerations, which we will discuss, as we plan for your future.
The individual should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator.
Benjamin Graham

Next Steps

Individual financial and career path progressions are varied. Through our personalised service Corry Wealth Coaching will define and seek ways for you to find your own financial freedom / early retirement.

Our wealth coaching service, however, is not always about finance. It also aims to promote self-discovery, improve focus, raise confidence and awareness for you to take more effective action ... and in due course, it will raise many aspects of your life.

Those who wish to learn more about this potential, should contact me via any of the methods listed on the Contact page. I look forward to hearing from you.

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